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Self-direction gives you flexibility to choose the mix of supports and services that are right for you so you can live the life you want. With self-direction, YOU choose your services, the staff and organizations that provide them, and a schedule that works best for YOU. 

Each person is unique. Self-direction empowers people to design supports based on their unique strengths and needs. It gives you more control over the funding used to buy your services. 

Anyone who is eligible for OPWDD services and enrolled in the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver can choose to self-direct their services. Self-direction may be right for you if you can make your own decisions (or have help to) and if you want more flexible supports and services. 

To learn more or to set up an appointment, please contact Rachel Pollock at 845-425-0887 x300 or

YOU choose the services you want

YOU choose the staff to work with you

YOU hire and supervise your staff

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If you want to control how the funds in your budget are spent, you will need a Support Broker to help you. Yedei Chesed's experienced support brokers will work with you to build your self-directed budget based on the services and supports you need. Your broker can also help you develop a plan to work towards outcomes you want to achieve in life.

The Fiscal Intermediary or FI is an agency that provides administrative and billing support to a person who chooses self-direction.    

The Fiscal Intermediary is responsible for:

  • Completing background checks for self-hired staff;

  • Billing Medicaid or New York State for services in the budget;

  • Paying staff;

  • Tracking expenditures; and

  • Providing monthly statements to the person. 

Yedei Chesed is an approved Fiscal Intermediary agency with the experience and know-how to ensure that your budget is managed correctly and professionally. 

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