Loyal Care is a Medicaid-sponsored service provider agency that provides essential services for persons that need extra medical care.
Loyal Care Services offers Daily Living and Social Skills, Education and Employment, Day Habilitation, and Caregiver/Family Support.
Who is eligible?
Ages birth to 21-years old who have the following concerns:
Mood Disorders
Substance Abuse Disorder
Genetic Disorders
Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED)
Medically Fragile Children
Developmental Disability and Medically Fragile
Our knowledge and experience of over 25 years of compliance and paperwork requirements will enable us to support you on your journey in the smoothest way possible. Loyal Care will help in obtaining HCBS eligibility and Medicaid approval so your child can receive the services they need to succeed.
Chaim Chazanoff - chaimc@yedei.org - 845-425-0887 ext. 225