Respite provides the family with relief from the obligation of ongoing day-to-day care. This service is offered either in the home of the person with a developmental disability or in another environment, depending on the needs of the family.
“It is such a relief to be able to leave my daughter with special needs in the care of a reliable person. Yedei Chesed helped me find a Respite worker and I am grateful to them for that. Now, I can find the time to take care of some of my other obligations”
Yitzy Pick - - 845-425-0887 Ext. 273

After School Program
The children are picked up from school and taken to the Magic Moments Respite Center where their supervision is individualized. The program director works with parents and the child’s school to develop an individualized homework and/or therapy program. Music therapy, arts and crafts, special guest entertainment and refreshments are integral aspects of this program.
“The after school hours used to be a nightmare in our house, but since I started sending my son to the Magic Moments Respite Center all that has changed. Homework time used to be hours and hours of frustration, but now he comes home with his homework all done! The loving attention showered on the children, by the kind staff, makes this program the highlight of my son’s day!”
Volunteer Respite
Volunteers are paired with a child who has special needs. The visits are one or two hours on a weekend or a holiday, or any other time that respite is desired. As many volunteers are currently in school, for the most part, the volunteers are available when schools are not open. Volunteers often forge special relationships that enrich the lives of all involved. The individual child, the volunteer and each of their respective families benefit from this unique program.
“Somehow Yedei Chesed has a way of knowing what are the nicest things to do. Your thoughtfulness in sending a volunteer to our house on Shabbos, allowed us to get our much needed rest!”
Summer Respite
During the last two weeks of summer vacation, the Magic Moments Day Respite Program provides individuals with recreational opportunities, i.e. arts and crafts, boating and swimming. Transportation, lunch and snacks are also provided. The summer respite experience offers each child an exciting socialization opportunity, while enabling parents to prepare all family members for the new school year.
“The happy sounds of children having a grand time greeted my ears when I came to pick my child up from the Magic Moments Summer Respite Program. My child was delighted with all the fun things they did in the program and was truly sorry when it was over.”
Sunday Respite
This program provides recreation for children on Sunday and Legal Holidays during which time school is not in session. The children participate in interesting and enjoyable activities while at the same time enabling their parents to attend to various aspects of their busy lives. Our wheelchair accessible bus and van transports the children to the Respite Center as well as takes them on occasional outings.
“I find that the Sunday Respite Program not only provides the respite, but also gives my son a structured Sunday filled with activities.”